Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Segmentation of images with low-contrast edges, Matthew J. Madden
Specifying security requirements improvement for IEEE Standard 830, Jacob D. McCarty
Color space analysis for iris recognition, Matthew K. Monaco
Indexing techniques for fingerprint and iris databases, Rajiv Mukherjee
Combining complementary formal verification strategies to improve performance and accuracy, David R. Owen
Design and real-time control of shipboard power system testbed, Pradeep Pant
Power market analysis tool for congestion management, Silpa Parnandi
Fabrication and functional analysis of SPARROW biosensor, Praneetha Poloju
Carbon promoted water electrolysis to produce hydrogen at room temperature, Sukanya Ranganathan
Error resilient image transmission using T-codes and edge-embedding, Premchander Reddy
Natural language processing framework to assist in the evaluation of adherence to clinical guidelines, Sushmitha Regulapati
Image segmentation for biometric identification systems, Eyad Haj Said
Automated ventricular measurements using Gabor wavelets, Hemalatha Sampath
Comparative study in stereographic reading, Alberto E. Santiago
Parsimony-based genetic algorithm for haplotype resolution and block partitioning, Nadezhda A. Sazonova
Capacity -based parameter optimization of bandwidth constrained CPM, Rohit Iyer Seshadri
State minimization problems in finite state automata, Chris Tauras
Multiagent approach for power system reconfiguration, Pinak Tulpule
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Model-based risk assessment, Walid M. Abdelmoez
Multi-impression enhancement of fingerprint images, Mayank Agarwal
A translator for automated code generation for service-based systems, Sanjib (Sean) Banerjee
Multispectral iris recognition analysis: Techniques and evaluation, Christopher K. Boyce
A methodology for software performance modeling and its application to a border inspection system, Paola Bracchi
Performance measurements of Web services, Sarita Damaraju
Shape based automated mapping of histological mouse brain sections, Manasa Danda
Forwarding strategies and optimal power allocation for coherent and noncoherent relay networks, Somak Datta Gupta
A component-based approach to verification and validation of formal software models, Dejan Desovski
Gas turbine control and load sharing of a shipboard power system, Anisha M. C. Fernandes
Modeling operating system crash behavior through multifractal analysis, long range dependence and mining of memory usage patterns, Vijai Gandikota
Analysis of hybrid-ARQ based relaying protocols under modulation constraints, Tarik K. Ghanim
Multiple message broadcasting and gossiping in the dynamically orientable graphs, Gayane R. Goltukhchyan
Empirical analysis of software reliability, Margaret L. Hamill
Characterization of diffractive optical lenses for use in MEMS integrated optical monitoring, Christopher W. Hollandsworth
Development of FPGA based low-power digital pulse height fitting, Santosh Hooli
Development and evaluation of smart materials for structural health monitoring, Sandilya Hota
Lossless compression of hyperspectral images, Sushil Kamalchand Jain
Web workload analysis and session characterization using clustering, Deepak Jha
Efficient simulation of communication systems on a desktop grid, Raja Sekhar Katuri
Impact of optimally placed VAR support on electricity spot pricing, Ramesh Kumar V. Khajjayam
Analysis of computer science curriculum through development of an online crime reporting system, Linda Kress
Selection of pilot buses for VAR support and voltage stability risk analysis, Talpasai Lakkaraju
One-dimensional computer modeling of electrical conductivity through methane and synthesis gas flames, Jonathan Patrick Lilly
Long-term bandwidth estimation, Brian E. Masney
Database anonymization services, Chad B. Meador
Autonomous unmanned ground vehicle for non-destructive testing of fiber reinforced polymer bridge decks, Anthony Scott Mercer
Facilitating sensor interoperability and incorporating quality in fingerprint matching systems, Rohan D. Nadgir
Recognition capacity of biometric-based systems, Francesco P. Nicolo
Analysis of photonic crystal defects for biosensing applications, Naveen Kumar Paturi
Classification of dental x-ray images, Usman Qureshi
Cooperative diversity using MIMO systems, Ramachandran Rajagopalan
Optical-based ATR algorithms for applications in swarmed UAVs, Vasavi Rangammagari
Object-oriented shipboard electric power system library, Ram Praveen Saladi
Evaluation and performance prediction of multimodal biometric systems, Nevena Samoska
Alumina waveguide characterization and SPARROW biosensor modeling, Pavan Kumar Samudrala
Enhanced iris recognition: Algorithms for segmentation, matching and synthesis, Samir Shah
Web-based tool for software architecture metrics, Israr Pasha Shaik
Lossless compression and neuron structure extraction for fluorescence microscopy confocal neuron images, Yong Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Development of constant-time correlated spectroscopy on a 3T clinical MRI/MRS scanner, Srilatha Ainala
Multi-agent control and operation of electric power distribution systems, Amer Al-Hinai
Properties of chain programs over difference constraints, John E. Argentieri
Username and password verification through keystroke dynamics, Nick Bartlow
Robust pre-processing techniques for non-ideal iris images, Purva M. Barve
Learning to deal with COTS (commercial off the shelf), Sreeram Bayana
Supporting awareness in heterogeneous collaboration environments, Vijayanand Bharadwaj
Gallium nitride light-emitting diodes and a study of etching techniques, Smiti Bhattacharya
A Web-based environment for automated dental identification research, SatyaSrinivas Chekuri
Actin nanokinematics under the influence of DC electric fields, Raghu Chilakamarri
Fabrication of resonant optical waveguide biosensors using electron gun depositions, Timothy Allen Cornell
Measurements based performance analysis of Web services, Venu Datla
Noise and error propagation in diffusion tensor imaging, Shital Bipin Desai
Non-ideal iris recognition, Vivekanand Dorairaj
Multiagent autonomous energy management, Shilpa B. Ganesh
Text-independent speaker recognition, Smitha Gangisetty
The use of charge -charge correlation in impedance measurements: A test of the EPET method, Christopher W. Gregory
Models and protocols for evaluation of fingerprint sensors, Gaurav Gupta
Computer-assisted learning of Japanese kanji, Adam D. Horne
Image quality assessment for iris biometric, Nathan D. Kalka
Performance analysis of iris based recognition system at the matching score level, Manasi V. Ketkar
Optical detection of multiple faults of a MEMS based linear comb resonator, Lakshmi Deepasree Konduparthi
Gallium nitride-based blue laser diodes, Sridhar Kuchibhatla
Validating a neural network-based online adaptive system, Yan Liu
Graph algorithms for the haplotyping problem, Yunkai Liu
Computer aided detection of defects in FRP bridge decks using infrared thermography, Gajanan M. Lonkar
Analysis and synthesis of iris images, Sarvesh Makthal
Computer Aided Home Energy Management system, Asawari A. Moholkar
Automated dental identification: A micro-macro decision-making approach, Diaa Eldin M. Nassar
Multi-resolution dental image registration based on genetic algorithm, Mythili Ogirala
Adaptive edge-based prediction for lossless image compression, Rahul G. Parthe
Data mining framework, Hemambika Payyappillil
Investigation of fabrication process development for integrated optical grating structures, Divya Pisharoty
Microcontroller-based power regulation for induction motors with power quality conditioning, Joshua Scott Robinson
Fingerprint testing protocols for optical sensors, Travis W. Rosiek
Error and attack tolerance of complex real networks, Vamsi Salla
Characterization of Web server workload, Amit Sangle
Software tools for real-time simulation and control, Raghu Sankarayogi
Reconstruction of fingerprints from minutiae points, Jidnya A. Shah
Generic multimodal biometric fusion, Yash Shah
On the s-Hamiltonian index of a graph, Yehong Shao
Empirical study of error behavior in Web servers, Ajay Deep Singh
Unconstrained face recognition for law enforcement applications, Richa Singh