Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Ensemble learning for ranking interesting attributes, Erik W. Sinsel
Dynamic learning with neural networks and support vector machines, Liang Tian
The use of heuristics in identifying self-propagating malicious mobile code, Jesse Twardus
Cooperative diversity for the cellular uplink: Sharing strategies, performance analysis, and receiver design, Kanchan G. Vardhe
Error propagation metrics from XMI, Cihan Varol
Reducing false rejection rate in iris recognition by quality enhancement and information fusion, Mayank Vatsa
An integrated computer-based timber cruising system for Appalachian hardwoods, Jingxin Wang
Parameter incremental learning algorithm for neural networks, Sheng Wan
Aircraft intercom system design for project oculus, Jay Paul Wilhelm
Prosody in text-to-speech synthesis using fuzzy logic, Jonathan Brent Williams
Generalization of an integrated cost model and extensions to COTS, PLE and TTM, Lin Yang
Stability monitoring and analysis of online learning neural networks, Sampath Yerramalla
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Multi-heuristic theory assessment with iterative selection, Kareem Ammar
Software risk assessment based on UML models, Kalaivani Appukkutty
Adaptive video segmentation, Nagamani Banda
PIC 18F452 implementation of digital filters, Vikram A. Bose-Mullick
Software for efficient file elimination in computer forensics investigations, Chad Werner Davis
Acoustical and flow characteristics of a cough as an index of pulmonary function in the guinea pig, Joshua W. Day
Biologically inspired evolutionary temporal neural circuits, Reza Derakhshani
Super resolution of fingerprints, Kaustubh R. Deshpande
TCP/IP stack fingerprinting for patch detection in a distributed Windows environment, Balaji Ganesan
Feature-level fusion in multimodal biometrics, Rohin K. Govindarajan
Software architectural risk assessment, Ajith Reddy Guedem
Software quality and reliability prediction using Dempster -Shafer theory, Lan Guo
Practical modern control design techniques for power systems, Amer Hasanovic
Architectural level risk assessment, Ahmed E. Hassan
Control system design for a C-130 Ro-Ro sensor deployment platform, Robert Paul Hayes
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks, Brian J. Hetzer
Uncertainty analysis in software reliability of component-based systems, Sunil Kumar Kamavaram
Multispectral segmentation of whole-brain MRI, Nitya Krishnan
Diffractive optical lens design and fabrication for integrated monitoring of microelectromechanical lateral comb resonators, William Brent McCormick
Limiting DNS covert channels and network validated DNS, Rex D. McCracken
Forensic analysis of digital evidence from Palm Personal Digital Assistants, Christopher M. McNemar
Information fusion schemes for real time risk assessment in adaptive control systems, Martin Mladenovski
Transmitter precoding for multi-antenna multi-user communications, Kirtan N. Modi
Developing the portability indices and the portable code generator, Gregory E. Mundy
System identification and control of the standpipe in a cold flow circulating fluidized bed, Juchirl Park
Resonant optical waveguide biosensor characterization, Shantanu Pathak
Empirical assessment of architecture-based reliability of open-source software, Ranganath Perugupalli
Analysis of e-mail attachment signatures for potential use by intrusion detection systems, Archis Vijay Raje
Trace detection of mercury using boron-doped diamond electrodes, Latha Ramakrishnan
Diagnosis of operational changes in microelectromechanical systems via fault detection, Scott A. Rittenhouse
Synchronization for capacity -approaching coded communication systems, Jian Sun
Contextual biometric watermarking of fingerprint images, Nikhil C. Tungala
Real-time video compression using DVQ and suffix trees, Pavan Kumar Vedantam
Information dissemination by compounding, Bohe (Bob) Wang
Modeling and real-time feedback control of MEMS device, Limin Wang
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Model predictive control design for load frequency control problem, Nedzad Atic
Generalized nowhere zero flow, Jingjing Chen
Adding liveness detection to the hand geometry scanner, Musat C. Crihalmeanu
Implementing software engineering practices in small industry with a focus on requirements elicitation, James Clifford Fleming
Relational project modeling and risk projection framework, Brian D. Gould
Spline based controller for nonlinear systems, Ali Karimi
Adaptive fault diagnosis in interactive electronic technical manuals (IETMs), Rabih Faysal Kraidli
Estimating reliability impact of biometric devices in large scale applications, Karthikeyan Mahadevan
Comparison of classification methods for perspiration-based liveness algorithm, Sujan T. V. Parthasaradhi
Telecommunication of stabilizing signals in power systems, Guillaume Julien Raux
Novel control design and strategy for load frequency control in restructured power systems, Dulpichet Rerkpreedapong
Architecture-level risk assessment tool based on UML specification, Tianjian Wang
Distributed dispatchers for partially clairvoyant schedulers, Kiran S. Yellajyosula
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Parameter identification of induction motor using a genetic algorithm, Edina Bajrektarevic
Off-line Thai handwriting recognition in legal amount, Watchara Chatwiriya
Pulse charging lead-acid batteries to improve performance and reverse the effects of sulfation, Robert B. Cooper
Integrated through -wafer optical monitoring of MEMS for closed -loop control, Jeremy Michael Dawson
Degree sequences, Rong Luo
Modeling and dynamic stability of distributed generations, Zhixin Miao
Telecommunications for a deregulated power industry, Biju Naduvathuparambil
Random search of AND-OR graphs representing finite-state models, David Robert Owen
Electrical impedance of methane flat flame, Jeffrey William Rinker
Tone classification of syllable -segmented Thai speech based on multilayer perceptron, Nuttavudh Satravaha
Analysis and robust decentralized control of power systems using FACTS devices, Karl E. Schoder
Early component-based reliability assessment using UML based software models, William Black Smith V
Operating market based regulation service using software agents compliant with NERC's control performance standards, Ramanujam Srinivasan
Design of a prototype personal static var compensator, Scott Alan Zemerick
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Space-time block coding with imperfect channel estimates, Dirk Alan Baker
Message sequence chart specifications with cross verification, Timothy Shawn Boles
Hybrid ARQ with parallel and serial concatenated convolutional codes for next generation wireless communications, Naveen Chandran
Pattern recognition in software engineering trend adapting, Dapeng Chen
Nonlinear transient and steady state analysis for self-excited single-phase synchronous reluctance generator, Jingdong Chen
Multifractal analysis of memory usage patterns, Jonathan Browning Crowell
Processing and characterization of contacts on MBE-grown gallium nitride, Carlo Requiao da Cunha
Using virtual reality for requirements validation, Dejan Desovski
Robust decentralized control of power systems through excitation systems and thyristor controlled series capacitors, Lingling Fan
Electrical characterization of thin film nanostructure templates, Christopher James Garman
Scenario-based verification and validation of dynamic UML specifications, Alaa El-Sayed Ibrahim
Sensor technology for the Breast Examination Training Instrument, Bratislav Matic
Electrochemical fabrication of semiconductor nanostructure arrays for photonic applications, Stephen Patrick McGinnis
Propagation of updates to replicas using error-correcting codes, Karthik Palaniappan
Relational specification as a testing oracle, Harjinder Sandhu
Mobile agent-based attack-resistant architecture for Distributed Intrusion Detection system, Sentil Kumar Selliah
Fabrication of thin film nanoscale alumina templates, Paul B. Sines
CMOS fingerprint sensor electrostatic modeling, Praveen Kumar Soora
DSP implementation of trellis coded modulation and distributed space time coding, Yipeng Tang
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Voltage collapse prediction for interconnected power systems, Amer S. Al-Hinai
Web-based workflow in secure collaborative telemedicine, Vijayanand Ranganath Bharadwaj
On the feasibility of integrated optical waveguide-based in situ monitoring of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), Kolin Shay Brown
Assessment of a Space Shuttle trajectory evaluation system (DOLILU II), Diwakar Chakravarthy
Representative ways to analyze and survey changes in long-term electrocardiographic recordings, Simona Gabriela Crihalmeanu
Web-enabled COTS-supported alternative to Interactive Electronic Technical Manual Database (IETMDB) specification, Dina Mahfouz Ghobashy