Course syllabi are available as an informational and archival resource. They represent the work of the instructor at the time of deposit. Syllabi may change up until the first day of classes or even during the course of the semester.
Please contact the academic department or course instructor directly if you have questions regarding course content or requirements. Some courses do not have syllabi available.
The Research Repository @WVU syllabi collection contains syllabi from 2017. There is a delay in adding syllabi from the recent year(s).
Browse the Syllabi by Subject Collections:
ACE; Athletic Coaching Education
ADPR; Advertising and Public Relations
AEM; Applied and Environmental Microbiology
AFCS; Agriculture, Forestry and Consumer Science
AGBI; Agricultural Biochemistry
AGEE; Agricultural and Extension Education
ANRD; Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design
ARE; Agriculture and Resource Economics
ARSC; Arts and Sciences (Internship)
A&VS; Animal & Veterinary Sciences
BMP; Behavior Medicine and Psychiatry
CDFS; Child Development/Family Studies
CHPR; Community Health Promotion
C&I; Curriculum and Instruction
CIS; Computer Information Systems
CSAD; Communication Sciences and Disorders
CTS; Clinical and Translational Sci
DMC; Data Marketing Communications
DRET; Computerized Drafting and Design Engineering Technology
ECSE; Early Childhood Special Educ
EDHS; Education and Human Services
EDLS; Education Leadership Studies
ELET; Electronic Engineering Technology
EMCP; Emergency Medicine Certificate Program
ENCP; Environmental and Community Planning
ENVE; Environmental Engineering
ENVP; Environmental Protection
ESL; English as a Second Language
FDM; Fashion Design and Merchandising
FDST; Food Science and Technology
FIS; Forensic and Investigative Science
FLIT; Foreign Literature in Translation
GSCM; Global Supply Chain Management
HDFS; Human Development and Family Studies
HIED; Higher Ed Administration
HIIM; Health Informatics and Information Management
HNF; Human Nutrition and Foods
HPML; Health Policy, Management and Leadership
HRL; Human Resource Leadership
HRMG; Human Resource Management
IDT; Instructional Design and Technology
IEP; Intensive English Program
IH&S; Industrial Hygiene and Safety
ILR; Industrial and Labor Relations
IMC; Integrated Marketing Communication
IMMB; Immunology & Med Microbiology
IntPrograms; Intercollegiate Programs
LANG; Language Teaching Methods
MAE; Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
MDIA; Media Studies & Technology
MDS; Multidisclipinary Studies
MICB; Microbiology and Immunology
MIST; Management Information Systems Technology
OBST; Obstetrics and Gynecology
OEHS; Occupational and Environmental Health
ORGL; Organizational Leadership
PALM; Path, Anatomy & Lab Medicine
PASS; Physical Act / Sport Sciences
PCOL; Pharmacology and Toxicology
PET; Physical Education/Teaching
PNGE; Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering
REHB; Rehabilitation Counseling
RPTR; Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources
SAGE; Sustainable Agriculture Entrepreneurship
SBEN; Small Business Entrepreneurship
SBHS; Social and Behavioral Sciences
SCFD; Social and Cultural Foundations
SEES; Slavic and Eastern European Studies
SEP; Sport and Exercise Psychology
SOCA; Sociology and Anthropology
WGST; Women and Gender Studies
WMAN; Wildlife and Fisheries Management